Santiago Villalobos
He walked through those tavern doors
with the stench of death as a coat.

Name: Santiago Villalobos
Title: El Lobo
Birthname: Stian Skjǫldulfr
Age: 36
Height: 6'4
Nationality: Spanish (assumed), Norwegian (birth)
Birthplace: Lyngseidet, Norway
Birthday: November 3, 1982
Profession: Bounty hunter
Relationship status: Dating Harley Lowe
Affiliation: None
Residence: Barcelona, Spain
Image by MK
Avatar by ET.M
The Norse pantheon has never been one to let bygones be bygones. For the murder of Baldr, Loki was imprisoned with chains like his son Fenrir. The goddess of winter, Skadi, placed a serpent over him for its venom to drip onto his face. Eternal punishment for slaying the fairest of all gods.
And although the legends of old are gone, their believers are not. The blood of gods runs through the veins of modern people, enhancing them in preternatural ways.
And since the days of the Aesir, the descendants of Loki have scorned the descendants of Skadi. Cunning, ambitious, two-faced men and women. Keen, durable and vengeful men and women. Pitted together in an endless cycle of revenge.
This feud had persisted for centuries, incurring minor losses in both sides. But for Stian Skjǫldulfr, this feud grew to a fever pitch, more violent than it ever had been before.
His house had been hunted to the brink of extinction. Only Stian remained, running ragged through the Scandinavian wilderness. At his heels, the offspring of the trickster, descending upon him like hawks.
They had him cornered, his back to a precipice that overlooked the sea, punctuated with jagged rocks. They expected him to fight to the bitter end. Instead, Stian robbed them all of the satisfaction. He fell, and took the House of Skadi with him.
The House of Loki had won.
A new face enters a tavern in Barcelona. He draws stares from all across the watering hole - not that he was easy to miss. The stranger stood at a towering height, but no one recognized him.
"What's your name?" The bartender spoke to him through the suspicion in his voice.
"Call me Santiago", the stranger returned with a devil-may-care smile. "I'm looking for a job."

Physical Attributes: The blood of a hunting goddess runs through his veins. When on the hunt, his senses sharpen to an edge - he can hear the drop of a pin over a coursing river, spot the slightest movement under the moonlight. The harshest colds embrace his skin rather than harm it. However, he's not quite fond of noisy places. Or oceans.
Skjǫldulfr's Bow: Family heirloom, locked away in a chest. Legend says an arrow nocked on this bow will never stray. Whether that is the bow's doing or the clan's ability is unclear.
Geri and Freki: A pair of revolvers. A modern weapon, abandoning the ways of old. Although they are otherwise ordinary guns, runes have been etched into the wooden grips that alert him of supernatural presence and strengthen the impact of his bullets. Coupled with his deadeye accuracy, they had grown to be feared weapons.
Úlfheðinn: A loyal wolf companion, Ulf for short, raised by his side since birth. The two form an inseparable team. Santiago uses him to track, chase and attack targets with bounties too large to ignore.
Oskoreia: A bird of prey, the souls of hunters resonate with the pair. Even though Santiago can see far, the owl can see even further, fly further and move undetected through the night. He calls him Osko for short.
Skiing: Through his lineage, Santiago is very proficient at skiing. Don't ask him about it.
Harley Lowe (@CherryPopRider) - Current partner-in-”crime”. Dating.
Bodhild Skjǫldulfr - Sister. They both are not aware of each other’s survival.
Francesco Montagna (@IlMiracoloso) - Ex-partner-in-crime. Taught him the ropes for a few years before leaving him on his own.
Kacii Negani (@xIndigoDisaster) - Adopted sister (in name only).
Markus Ormr (@Ormrsenna) - Rival. Childhood friend and betrayer.
Prima Siegra (@OfHjorprimul) - Francesco’s girlfriend and valkyrie. One of the only people he’s told about his Nordic past. Finds her a kindred spirit, in a way.